You’ve probably have never looked closely at the logos at the bottom of our site. (That’s ok, if we didn’t work here, we wouldn’t either.) There’s the usual stuff – Security verification, Better Business Bureau – but there’s also something else. The Connecticut Autism Spectrum Resource Center.

One of our owners lives in Connecticut, and he and his family have a long history with ASRC. In the organization’s own words, they work to “… help those on the autism spectrum through support, recreation and education to work toward the goal of leading full and productive lives.” In recent weeks, our team started talking about what we could do to make our work about more than airport parking this year, and we couldn’t think of a better partner.

So we’ve made a commitment; Every time our customers use Parking Points to save on a reservation in the month of November, we’ll donate $1 to ASRC. Last month, nearly 600 people reserved using Parking Points. But November is always super-busy around here, so we hope that number will be a lot higher.

If you’re not ready to reserve just yet, don’t worry – we’ll remind you. If you have friends or family that you think might like to save on airport parking and help others at the same time, just go to any Airport page and click the Share button to spread the word. We look forward to helping you and Connecticut Autism Spectrum Resource Center have a wonderful Thanksgiving.